Omaha's #1 Interior & Exterior Painting Contractor

Legacy Painting & Drywall Guarantee

At Legacy Painting & Drywall, we’re committed to providing you with dependable and skilled painters, first class workmanship and exceptional customer service!

Our Guarantee

We are so confident in our ability that all of our work is guaranteed for a period of two (2) years per the specific contracted scope of work, and will repair newly painted areas if peeling, blistering, flaking, or coating separation occurs. This warranty is limited to workmanship and materials purchased by Legacy Painting & Drywall.

Both our interior and exterior paint warranties cover painting defects, but they do not cover areas of fading and/or damage due to normal wear and tear, abuse, weather, or accidental damaging occurrences.

Note: Severe paint blistering and separation of caulk from wood cupping due to intense and/or direct heat are not issues of workmanship and are not covered under the warranty.

If a defect in workmanship appears within two years from the date of project completion and is reported to Legacy Painting & Drywall, we will inspect the affected areas and perform the necessary repairs.

The Legacy Painting & Drywall Difference

We offer free estimates.
We show up on time at your property.
We do our best to work within your budget.
We use only top quality paint brands such as Sherwin-Williams and Benjamin Moore.
We clean up after ourselves and never leave a mess.
We answer your calls professionally and promptly.
We always produce superior quality results.

We always work hard to make sure that every customer is completely satisfied with the quality of our work. We don’t consider a job complete until all your expectations are met. In addition to quality services and a commitment to our customers, we also offer affordable prices and free estimates on all of your painting projects. Request a Free Estimate today, to get started on your next painting project.

Our Core Values

We strive to exceed customer expectations by providing the best value in the Omaha Metro Area.

Great Services

Great service means excellence in work and communication.

Professional Team

Team members are screened, trained, tested, and in uniform.

Highest Standards

Each of our crew members are trained in our process and standards.

Creative Solutions

We are happy to assist with proper color and design choices

Our Superior Quality Cannot Be Matched

Whether you’re planning to re-paint your commercial property’s exterior or your home’s interior, you should have a clear idea of how much you’ll spend on the work. The best method of knowing this is by calling us to make an accurate and honest painting estimate. Our project estimator visits your property to meet you and discuss your property’s needs and your own preferences. We then schedule the necessary constraints and deadlines, sheen and color options, and show you what you’re to expect during the actual work. Our guidance and help ensure that you love the changes and makes the process seamless. Give Us a Call Today! The painter local homeowners and business people deserve is one that is experienced, professional, and reliable. We have all these qualities. Contact us today and you’ll realize that we are the painter you have been looking for all along.